What Kind of Side Effects can Take Place Due to 12-panel Drug Test Cup with PCP?

Phencyclidine (PCP) alters the mind and can cause hallucinations (a distorted sense of reality). As a dissociative drug, it causes upon with some distortions in sight, sound, color, as well as self, and certain surroundings. Originally developed as an intravenous anesthetic in the 1950s, PCP has been discontinued for medical use because of serious neurotoxic side effects. Ketamine (Ketalar) is a synthetic anesthetic developed in place of PCP for painful surgical procedures.

A white powder with a distinctive bitter taste, 12-panel drugtest cup with PCP is readily soluble in water or alcohol. There are a number of contaminants in PCP that cause the color to range from a light brown to a darker brown. The consistency of the powdery or gummy mass varies according to the contamination.

What is the purpose of PCP?

A variety of forms of 12-panel drug test cup with PCP are available, including tablets, capsules, and colored powders that can either be smoked, taken orally, or inhaled ("snorted").

Recreational smokers are most likely to use smoking. PCP base is most often dissolved in ether, a highly flammable solvent, in order to produce a liquid form. When PCP is smoked, it is typically sprayed on leafy materials such as mint, parsley, oregano or marijuana. You can also inject PCP. PCP's effects can last between four and six hours.

How does recreational PCP use affect the body?

Among the most dangerous drugs of abuse is PCP, according to many. Users may experience feelings of detachedness, distance, and estrangement when using moderate amounts of PCP.

Mood swings and anxiety can also take place. An invulnerable feeling may accompany numbness and slurred speech.

Some of the more common effects include an exaggerated gait, rapid eye movements, and blank stares. Low to moderate doses of PCP have the following physiological effects:

·       Breathing rate increases slightly

·       Pulse rate and blood pressure rise

·       Respiration that is shallow

·       Sweating and flushing are common.

PCP has the following physiological effects when taken in high doses:

·       There is a decrease in blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration.

·       Vomiting, nausea

·       Seeing things blurry

·       A flickering of the eyes

·       Griping your lips

·       Dizziness and loss of balance

·       Suicide and violence

A high dose of 12-panel drug test cup with PCP can also cause seizures, coma, and death (often from accidental injuries during intoxication with PCP). Delusions and hallucinations are common psychological effects at high dosages. "Trips" and "bad trips" are common terms used by users to describe their experiences with hallucinogens.

Sharing needles is a risk factor for HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases when using any recreational drug that can be injected.

What is the treatment for PCP addiction?

When stopping PCP use, people usually experience withdrawal symptoms such as drug cravings, increased appetite, headaches, sleepiness, depression, and sweating. Despite studies looking into drug treatments for PCP dependence, there are no specific treatments for PCP addiction or abuse. Patients with abuse issues with PCP may need to be hospitalized and receive behavioral therapy.


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