Quick Guide on How to 12 Panel Drug Test Cup with PCP

 PCP is classified as a dissociative drug (or hallucinogen) and comes either as a white powder or a liquid. You can inject, snort or inhale it, smoke it, or swallow it as a tablet or pill. Angel dust alters the mind and often induces superhuman emotions such as courage, aggression, or rage. 

This drug has earned the reputation of being one of the scariest because it is frequently associated with violent and sometimes gruesome behavior. As a Schedule II drug, PCP has strict restrictions due to the widespread abuse, addiction risk, as well as ample episodes of violence.

Intended Use and Effects of PCP

The PCP drug was originally intended to be a surgical anesthetic. As a result of the numerous severe side effects of 12 panel drug test cup with PCP, it has become illegal in the U.S.

There are many side effects associated with PCP drug use. PCP side effects can also occur days to months after use due to the way it is stored in the body. The following are few of the major angel dust side effects:

·       Having a feeling of euphoria

·       Floating sensation

·       Feeling like you have superhuman strength

·       Nervousness

·       Sense of paranoia

·       The temperature has risen

·       Heart rate increases

·       Anxiety

·       Insomnia

·       Confusion

·       Trembling

·       Speaking with a slur

·       Hallucinations

There are few of the serious PCP effects such as kidney failure, being suicidal or even injuring themselves, violent reactions, as well as muscle deterioration, coma, seizure, and even the death.

Furthermore, high dosages can cause blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiratory rate to drop. Nausea and vomiting may also occur. There may also be side effects such as blurry vision, eye flicking, drooling, or dizziness.

What is the feeling of PCP?

Even though 12 panel drug test cup with PCP may produce feelings of euphoria or superhuman strength, its risks greatly outweigh these benefits. An angel dust drug overdose can produce agitation, violence, self-injury, suicidal tendencies, seizures, or even death.

What is the duration of PCP in your system?

Angel dust remains in your urine or hair for a variety of reasons. Among them are:

·       Use frequency

·       Usage

·       User’s system of metabolism

·       User’s age

PCP Drug Testing: Why is it Necessary?

Drug use of PCP can result in dangerous work and home environments, as well as addiction and even death. It may be possible to create a safer working or family environment by taking a PCP drug test, and it can open the door to recovery for those who may be at risk of addiction or death.

What is the process for obtaining PCP Drug Test Results?

PCP drug test is just providing with the preliminary course of the analytical test results. In order to confirm the final detection of the PCP, chemical alternative method is hence used.

According to the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is known to be the most preferred confirmatory method.

Validate the integrity of the urine specimen using the optional built-in Adulteration Test. PCP Drug Test has a cutoff level of 25 mg/ml of phencyclidine. You can customize PCP Drug Test cutoff levels upon request. Plus, you can also get both multi-panel and cassette PCP drug tests.

Is PCP addictive?

Those who become addicted to PCP tend to become dependent on it. This leads to them craving and compulsively seeking the drug. 12 panel drug test cup with PCP users who have used it for a long time are usually affected by symptoms such as:

·       Anxiety

·       Loss of memory

·       Learning and speech difficulties

·       Loss of weight

The drug is also used for its sedative effects by other PCP users. It can cause overdose and coma when used with alcohol and benzodiazepines, which depress the central nervous system. Patients typically present with psychological effects or overdose in emergency rooms.

Suicide and violence are common reactions to PCP intoxication. When intoxicated, people can hurt themselves or other people.


The drug PCP is considered to be among the most dangerous. When taken in small doses, it can already cause harm.

Workers may be severely limited in their ability to do their jobs safely and effectively if they are exposed to this at work. Drivers and heavy equipment operators are frequently exposed to high levels of risk.

Suicidal and violent behavior is also common among users. Your company and employees need to be protected against workplace drug abuse by taking the necessary precautions. Workplace Drug Testing is a great way to screen your workers and address any issues that might arise.

In the workplace, PCP and other drugs of abuse have no place. Tolerating their use would not be beneficial to anyone. You can protect both your workers and your business by keeping this drug out of the workplace.


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